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Pre-Crisis Market Assessment resources

Key documents to help you understand and plan for PCMAs. For templates of specific documents such as questionnaires and TORs, see the relevant links on the templates page. 

Or download the individual files:

Pre-Crisis Market Analysis: Step-by-Step Guide for Practitioners

The PCMA is a practical, step-by-step resource to guide market analysis practitioners and team leaders to conduct market assessments before emergencies happen in contexts that are prone to recurring crises, whether natural or man-made, or where a shock is anticipated. This early analysis helps practitioners and decision makers to anticipate how certain selected ‘critical’ markets will behave or function if and when a shock occurs.

The PCMA was co-developed by Oxfam GB (from ECHO ERC funding) and IRC (with support from USAID) as a result of acknowledged failures in timely responses to crisis. An initial version was published in June 2014, though it is scheduled for revision in late 2015 once it has been tested out in the field.

Pre-Crisis Market Mapping and Analysis Q&A

An easy-to-read Q&A document that provides an overview of PCMMA and addresses many more technical questions that were raised during the PCMMA launch webinar in February, 2015. 

Key Responsibilities PCMA

A pdf diagram of key roles and responsibilities in a PCMMA assessment.