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What’s the latest in emergency market systems? Stay informed about new learning resources, reports from relevant events and trainings, and market-related job vacancies. To share a news announcement, please write to emmawebmaster [at]

"Engaging with Markets in Humanitarian Response" - new policy brief from Oxfam & WFP

Oxfam and WFP have just released a collaborative piece on engaging with markets in humanitarian response. It aims to summarize how humanitarian agencies are currently engaging with markets, as well as how this work might evolve in the future. 

Many organizations are looking at how far their organizations can and will go in supporting market functions. Please contact Carol Brady (cbrady [at] at Oxfam any time if you have suggestions and comments on this topic.

"Engaging with Markets in Humanitarian Response" - new policy brief from Oxfam & WFP

Minimum Requirements for Market Analysis in Emergencies

The Minimum Requirements (MRs) for Market Analysis in Emergencies are now available on the CaLP website. The document aims to provide a standard answer to the question: “What is the minimum market analysis required at various stages of the project cycle?”

The Minimum Requirements are not an assessment and analysis tool, but can be used in conjunction with any existing tool(s) that organisations are using. The launch of the French and English versions of MRs earlier this year included events in Nairobi, New York and Dakar,

Please find the MRs documents for your download and use HERE. Or you can find the individual documents below:


Minimum Requirements for Market Analysis in Emergencies
