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Badin, Ghotki and Sanghar Districts, Sindh Province
August, 2015

2010 and 2011 saw the worst floods in the history of Pakistan. In Sindh Province, the floods led to loss of life and also damaged standing crops, household and livestock food stocks, health, education and road infrastructure, houses, irrigation and drainage facilities and protected drinking water sources. This report presents the findings and recommendations for a PCMMA of the drinking water market system in Badin, Ghotki and Sanghar Districts of Sindh. It finds that markets are limited in their ability to provide adequate drinking water to make up for the 50% loss of clean water provided by wells and hand pumps during floods. This report recommends the provision of bottled water for the first month for urban and peri-urban areas, to be replaced by the provision of water vouchers for bottled/filtered water. In rural areas, it is appropriate to distribute filtered/treated drinking water by jerry can or by water tankering. In addition, the following preparedness/DRR activities are recommended: installation of hand pumps in areas where displaced communities gather during floods; pre-positioning of water tankering equipment and pre-establishing agreements with district-level water treatment plants or suppliers to fill tankers; pre-positioning agreements with water treatment and bottled water retailers to accept vouchers for drinking water during floods; the cleaning, treatment and repair of wells and hand pumps in rural areas; promoting household-level water treatment strategies; and supporting the growth of private-sector water filtration businesses.

Report authors: 
Gregory Matthews and Juergen Mika
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Ghotki and Sanghar Districts, Sindh Province
August, 2015

2010 and 2011 saw the worst floods in the history of Pakistan. In Sindh Province, the floods led to loss of life and also damaged standing crops, household and livestock food stocks, health, education and road infrastructure, houses, irrigation and drainage facilities and protected drinking water sources. This report presents the findings and recommendations for a PCMMA of the wheat flour critical market system in Ghotki and Sanghar Districts of Sindh. In the event of a future large-scale flood, this study predicts that wheat flour within the districts are likely to be adequate to meet local demand for several months, provided that the very serious transportation and access issues can be overcome. For a future humanitarian response, this report recommends in-kind provision of locally procured wheat flour to the most vulnerable households to be replaced by unconditional cash grants. It also recommends several activities focused on emergency preparedness, including a mapping and communication exercise; the development and implementation of longer-term agricultural development/poverty eradication programs; advocacy at the national-level food security cluster for consistent provision of the complete caloric requirements for the poorest households in emergencies; and support to actors throughout the market chain to flood-proof storage facilities.

Report authors: 
Emily Sloane and Khanzada Khan
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Badin, Ghotki and Sanghar Districts, Sindh Province
August, 2015

2010 and 2011 saw the worst floods in the history of Pakistan. In Sindh Province, the floods led to loss of life and also damaged standing crops, household and livestock food stocks, health, education and road infrastructure, houses, irrigation and drainage facilities and protected drinking water sources. This report presents the findings and recommendations for a PCMMA of the wheat straw critical market system in Badin, Ghotki and Sanghar Districts of Sindh. The study found that the wheat straw market system by and large has the capacity to meet the anticipated demand for straw during future floods. For the first month, it is recommended to implement in-kind distribution of fodder assistance to the affected population in Sanghar and Badin, and cash or vouchers to the affected population in Ghotki to enable them to purchase wheat straw directly. 3 to 5 months following the emergency, cash or vouchers can be phased-in to replace in-kind straw distributions. In addition, this study recommends considering the in-kind distribution of supplemental nutrition for livestock and assistance for green fodder crops, along with the following preparedness activities: improving straw storage mechanisms and practices at the household and retailer levels; planning for post-flood green fodder planting; and establishing supplier agreements with straw traders.

Report authors: 
Gregory Matthews and Muzafar Hussain
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Moyen Cavally and 18 Montagnes regions
June, 2011

This EMMA study looked at the impact of the post-election violence of 2010-11 on the dried fish sector in western Cote d'Ivoire. The violence resulted in reduced numbers of market actors in the market system, interruptions in the supply chain due to insecurity, higher prices and the reduced purchasing power of vulnerable households. This report recommends unconditional cash transfer programs targeting vulnerable households, complemented by voucher programs for specific food items, along with various types of support to fish farmers and actions to promote social cohesion and the re-establishment of the rule of law.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Sous-Préfecture de Dékoa
August, 2013

De décembre 2012 à mars 2013, la préfecture de la Kémo du pays dans la RCA fut occupé par la coalition de la Séléka. Toute la population de cette zone a été affectée par les violences et exactions commises. Cette étude EMMA se rapporte à la sous-préfecture de Dékoa dans la préfecture de Kémo, une zone de couverture des programmes d'ACF. L’objectif premier de l’EMMA était d’identifier la réponse la plus appropriée pour des interventions de court et moyen terme pour soutenir le relèvement de la population. Le rapport recommande plusieurs réponses, y compris des activités de cash for work afin de générer des revenus pour les groupes cibles en dehors des périodes de travaux champêtres et ainsi pallier à leur décapitalisation précoce; la diffusion des informations sur le marché aux acteurs; et un support à la préparation de la prochaine campagne, pour permettre la relance des activités agricoles.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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Report type:

Sous-préfectures de Dékoa, Kaga Bandoro et Kabo
August, 2013

De décembre 2012 à mars 2013, les régions de l’Ouham, Nana Gribizi et la Kémo dans la RCA furent occupées par la coalition de la Séléka. Toute la population de ces zones a été affectée par les violences et exactions commises. L'objectif premier de cette étude était d’identifier les réponse les plus appropriées pour des interventions de court et moyen terme suite à l'occupation de la Séléka. Le marché de l’arachide a été sélectionné comme système de marché critique pour les zones de Dékoa et Kabo, et le marché du manioc pour la zone de Kaga Bandoro. Les recommendations de cette étude étaient les suivantes: mettre à jour les résultats de l’EMMA après récolte et réaliser une EMMA sur autres spéculations clés; mettre en oeuvre un programme de CFW pour la réhabilitation des infrastructures (routes, places de marché); faire la surveillance des marchés; et fournir des services d’information sur le marché. En plus, le rapport propose plusieurs interventions avec les agriculteurs d'arachide comme groupe cible.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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