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International Rescue Committee

L'élection présidentielle contestée de novembre 2010 à plongé la Côte d'Ivoire dans la violence politique, avec des centaines de personnes tuées et 500.000 autres déplacés en interne. Ce rapport présente les résultats d'une étude EMMA sur les graines de riz. Il propose plusieurs recommandations, y compris des programmes Cash for Work (CFW) pour la plupart des ménages vulnérables dans les zones de conflit; de plaider auprès des autorités pour un environnement sécurisé; de sensibiliser la population pour la cohésion sociale; de diversifier les sources de revenus et de nourriture; le soutien des coopératives de semences de riz; de faciliter l'accès aux outils, aux apports et aux besoins alimentaires de base; et le renforcement de la capacité des groupes de producteurs de riz.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) damaged 61,741 houses were damaged in the Philippines' Eastern Samar province alone when it struck in November 2013. This power point presentation provides an overview of an EMMA exercise that was conducted to examine whether the local market could meet the need for corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) sheets for roofing for the affected population in Eastern Samar after the crisis. This assessment suggests increasing the purchasing power of households through a combination of commodity vouchers and cash grants, rapidly conducting further research into the impact of the typhoon and the subsequent humanitarian response to date on the transportation market, and advocating with government and international relief organizations to facilitate the recovery of normal commercial activities along key shipping routes.

Report authors: 
Nupur Kukrety
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Report type:

The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon is expected to exceed one million by the end of 2013. Tensions between host and refugee populations are expected to rise as competition over jobs and resources becomes even more important to the survival of both communities. This EMMA assessment was launched to analyze the key market systems upon which refugees and vulnerable host communities rely for income in the North and Bekaa Governorates of Lebanon in order to identify opportunities for humanitarian agencies to promote market-based income-earning possibilities for host and refugee populations. The conflict in Syria and subsequent influx of refugees into Lebanon have had significant impacts on local agricultural labor markets. This assessment recommends linking WFP's food voucher program to local farmers; providing alternative income sources through market strengthening cash for work activities; providing support to small farmers in accessing agricultural inputs; and conducting further research into the feasibility of supporting household-level food processing.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts
July, 2010

In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including cement, which is one of the most important building materials needed for reconstruction of homes and businesses damaged or destroyed in June. Following the crisis, the cement market system is still functioning, but at reduced capacity. This report concludes that the cement market system is healthy enough to not warrant direct intervention from the international community. It is therefore recommended that cement used in reconstruction be of domestic origin and purchased in the Kyrgyz market. The shelter cluster and other coordinating bodies are encouraged to provide strategic oversight and policy parameters for the purchasing of cement for reconstruction anticipated in the coming months.

Report authors: 
Benjamin Barrows, Eugenia Gusev
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In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including corrugated galvanized iron (CGI), which is one of the most important building materials needed for reconstruction of homes and businesses damaged or destroyed in June. Following the crisis, the CGI market system is still functioning, but at reduced capacity. This report concludes that the CGI market system is healthy enough to not warrant direct intervention from the international community. This report recommends that NGOs dealing with shelter to identify processors and retailers able to absorb increased demand. It is recommended that CGI used in reconstruction be of domestic origin and purchased in the Kyrgyz market. The shelter cluster and other coordinating bodies are encouraged to provide strategic oversight and policy parameters for the purchasing of CGI for reconstruction anticipated in the coming months.

Report authors: 
Benjamin Barrows and Eugenia Gusev
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In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including early potatoes, which represent an important source of food and income for farmers in low-lying areas of Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts. The crisis in Kyrgyzstan has severely disrupted the early potato market system's functioning. This report recommends the following direct interventions: cash transfers to the most affected farmers, subsidized transportation linking farms and markets, vouchers for retailers to purchase from middlemen, cash for work for farmers to clear irrigation and other farm systems and crews to clean up markets and businesses. In addition, this report recommends the following indirect interventions: providing information about crops, prices, supply and demand, technical assistance, rehabilitation of irrigation systems and advocacy with the Kyrgyz, Kazak, Uzbek and Russian governments to reopen borders for trade.

Report authors: 
Бенджамин Барроуз и Евгения Гусева
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Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts
July, 2010

In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including early potatoes, which represent an important source of food and income for farmers in low-lying areas of Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts. The crisis in Kyrgyzstan has severely disrupted the early potato market system's functioning. This report recommends the following direct interventions: cash transfers to the most affected farmers, subsidized transportation linking farms and markets, vouchers for retailers to purchase from middlemen, cash for work for farmers to clear irrigation and other farm systems and crews to clean up markets and businesses. In addition, this report recommends the following indirect interventions: providing information about crops, prices, supply and demand, technical assistance, rehabilitation of irrigation systems and advocacy with the Kyrgyz, Kazak, Uzbek and Russian governments to reopen borders for trade.

Report authors: 
Benjamin Barrows, Eugenia Gusev
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Moyen Cavally and 18 Montagnes regions
June, 2011

This EMMA study looked at the impact of the post-election violence of 2010-11 on the dried fish sector in western Cote d'Ivoire. The violence resulted in reduced numbers of market actors in the market system, interruptions in the supply chain due to insecurity, higher prices and the reduced purchasing power of vulnerable households. This report recommends unconditional cash transfer programs targeting vulnerable households, complemented by voucher programs for specific food items, along with various types of support to fish farmers and actions to promote social cohesion and the re-establishment of the rule of law.

Report authors: 
not specified
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Sous-Préfecture de Kaga Bandoro
August, 2013

De décembre 2012 à mars 2013, les régions de l’Ouham, Nana Gribizi et la Kémo dans la RCA furent occupées par la coalition de la Séléka. Toute la population de ces zones a été affectée par les violences et exactions commises. L'objectif premier de cette étude EMMA était d’identifier les réponse les plus appropriées pour des interventions de court et moyen terme suite à l'occupation de la Séléka. Ce rapport présente les résultats de la partie de l'étude qui s’est concentrée sur la région de Kaga Bandoro en tant que zone de couverture géographique d’IRC. Il ressort de cette analyse une forte capacité de commercialisation et stockage des grands commerçants musulmans pouvant permettre de faire face à une augmentation de la demande si celle-ci été créée. Ainsi, la présente analyse recommande les réponses suivantes: Des activités de cash for work afin de générer des revenus pour les groupes cibles en dehors des périodes de travaux champêtres et ainsi pallier à leur décapitalisation précoce; Des transferts monétaires d’urgence pour les ménages vulnérables; Des transferts en espèces pour les petits commerçants afin de compenser la perte de capital liée notamment aux pillages; Une poursuite des activités de surveillance des marchés et une mise à jour des résultats de l’EMMA afin de permettre un ajustement des programmes; La diffusion des informations sur le marché aux acteurs de celui-ci, afin d’améliorer la prise de décision et le pouvoir de négociation; et A plus long terme, un support à la préparation de la prochaine campagne, pour permettre la relance des activités agricoles.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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Sous-préfectures de Dékoa, Kaga Bandoro et Kabo
August, 2013

De décembre 2012 à mars 2013, les régions de l’Ouham, Nana Gribizi et la Kémo dans la RCA furent occupées par la coalition de la Séléka. Toute la population de ces zones a été affectée par les violences et exactions commises. L'objectif premier de cette étude était d’identifier les réponse les plus appropriées pour des interventions de court et moyen terme suite à l'occupation de la Séléka. Le marché de l’arachide a été sélectionné comme système de marché critique pour les zones de Dékoa et Kabo, et le marché du manioc pour la zone de Kaga Bandoro. Les recommendations de cette étude étaient les suivantes: mettre à jour les résultats de l’EMMA après récolte et réaliser une EMMA sur autres spéculations clés; mettre en oeuvre un programme de CFW pour la réhabilitation des infrastructures (routes, places de marché); faire la surveillance des marchés; et fournir des services d’information sur le marché. En plus, le rapport propose plusieurs interventions avec les agriculteurs d'arachide comme groupe cible.

Report authors: 
Emmeline Saint
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