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CHF International

This report presents learning from the first pilot study that used the EMMA toolkit to assess an emergency market system. It analyzes how the toolkit was used, what did and did not work well, the training given to participants, the exercise's organization and recommendations for adapting the toolkit for future use. Participants felt that EMMA is an appropriate tool if used not too long after a crisis and that it highlights issues relating to market analysis that are not always well understood by emergency aid workers. However, team members also said that they did not have enough time to understand the toolkit before going into the field and suggested allowing more time for training, analysis and reflection during future assessments.

Report authors: 
Anita Yeomans
Download Report (226.3 KB pdf)

Endebess, Kwanza District
April, 2008

As a result of post-election violence (PEV), a large number of small-scale farming households in the Endebess area of Kwanza District were displaced. In the process of displacement and violence, households lost key productive assets and structures as well as savings and access to income. This report presents the results of a pilot of the nascent EMMA approach with two main purposes: better understanding critical market systems for the population directly and indirectly affected by PEV, and gaining experience that could be used to improve the toolkit itself. The study examined the impact of the crisis on the area's microfinance market system in order to evaluate the appropriateness of a cash-based response to support poor, small-scale farming households and to identify any necessary additional market support interventions. This assessment recommends the implementation of Cash-for-Work programs for poor, small-scale farming households and cash grants for business re-startup for poor households who are excluded from the government debt relief programs, accompanied by advocacy to government and microfinance institutions.

Report authors: 
Gabriel Ekuwam, Naila Mohammed, Mary Muyoka, Lili Mohiddin, Anita Yeomans
Download Report (549.63 KB pdf)



Market type:

Report type:

Pariaman and Padang Districts, West Sumatra
October, 2009

A 7.6 magnitude earthquake stuck the coast of West Sumatra, Indonesia on September 30, 2009, causing over 1100 deaths and 3600 injuries as a result of collapsing buildings and landslides. Over 200,000 houses were destroyed or severely damaged by the earthquake, with the greatest damages reported in Padang Pariaman district. This EMMA study was conducted on the locally produced brick market system in October 2009 to help inform humanitarian assistance for housing reconstruction. This report summarizes the results of this study and looks at three potential reconstruction scenarios that may impact the local supply of bricks. It then provides recommendations directed at the shelter cluster, NGOs/IOs and the government, which include providing technical guidelines on improving the safety and quality of reconstruction, providing microcredit loans or cash grants to small-scale brick manufacturers and ensuring that government financial compensation to affected households reflects the increased price of bricks.

Report authors: 
Rick Bauer, Jonathan Brass
Download Report (180.06 KB pdf)