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Foodstuffs (non-animal)

On January 12, 2010 a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, killing an estimated 222,653 people and wounding an additional 310,000. The Sud-Est (Southeast) department was one of the worst hit areas. This assessment analyzes the market system for beans in the Sud-Est department of Haiti in March-April 2010. Recommended short-term interventions include seed distributions, scaling down food distributions and cash-based programs to improve the buying power of affected households. Longer-term recommended interventions for improving the overall function of the beans market to mitigate future disruptions include laying the foundation for a functioning private-sector seed system, working with existing or new institutions to provide financial services appropriate for agriculture, working with authorities to approve security at key market places and undertaking disaster risk reduction measures such as improving storage and preservation of surplus harvests.

Report authors: 
Laura Meissner, Gerry Delphin, Georges Pierre-Louis, Tim Schwartz, Karri Goeldner Byrne, Gary Bonhomme, and Molière Peronneau
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This assessment analyzes the stresses placed on the crucial market systems of wheat flour and tomatoes in eastern Libya, following the rise of civil conflict in mid-February 2011. The physical infrastructure and human capital that supports and operates the wheat market system remains entirely functional, while the tomato market system has been affected significantly. Many conflict‐related problems in the tomato market system lend themselves to interventions with which international organizations are familiar: provision of input vouchers, cash for work, crop insurance and debt relief. However, wheat flour has a much greater bearing on food security in eastern Libya than tomatoes. The inability to import wheat is the defining problem affecting the market system, but is caused by political and legal issues beyond the traditional purview of most humanitarian organizations.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Buthidaung Township, Rakhine State
October, 2013

The people of Rakhine State have suffered a long history of inter-communal conflict. Existing tensions between Buddhists and Muslims erupted into violent conflict in June and October 2012, resulting in massive population displacement and destruction of public and private properties, with many people injured or killed. The Consortium of Dutch NGOs led this EMMA study to investigate the potato and chemical fertilizer market systems. Among this report's most important recommendations are the distribution of vouchers for high energy food rations to vulnerable populations for households involved in casual labor and/or self employed; cash for work for populations that are involved in casual labor; cash grants for households to access vegetables and vegetable seeds; cash grants for households with access to land for purchase of production inputs; and model community savings and loan schemes or community micro-credit.

Report authors: 
Steven Lanjouw, U Khin Waung U
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Paletwa Township, Chin State
June, 2012

Chin State on the western border of Myanmar is characterized by chronic underdevelopment and poverty. Although considered an EMMA at the time, the study aimed to map the baseline rice market system in Paletwa Township under normal conditions in order to gain insight into how to improve people's livelihoods and food security in times of stress. In this sense, it was really an early PCMMA. This assessment recommends that any development or relief programs targeting Paletwa Township should seek to engage market actors so as to avoid doing harm. In addition, livelihoods support in the target area should focus on developing more sustainable, diversified and profitable strategies that help to protect the natural environment.

Report authors: 
Alan Moseley, Carol Ward
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Report type:

Axe Bertoua-Garoua Boulai, Frontière RCA
January, 2015

Depuis décembre 2013 la crise en Centrafrique a provoqué la fuite en masse de civils au Cameroun et aux autre pays. SI a lancé cette étude de marché sur trois systèmes de marchés critiques (le riz importé, la farine de manioc et l’eau) pour mieux appréhender le contexte en matière de sécurité alimentaire et moyens d’existence. Ce rapport propose le plaidoyer pour que les rations alimentaires soit à minima achetée en local; une pilote pour une ration distribuée à travers une combinaison de modalités; une étude EMMA sur les systèmes de marché du lait et de la viande; la distribution en nature d’intrants; la vulgarisation agricole; la vulgarisation de techniques de séchage et de nettoyage; la motorisation de certains points d’eau; une étude hydrogéologique pour la zone Bertoua-GB; l'appui aux détaillants en eau; des vouchers eau pour les réfugiés; et la distribution de bidon de stockage en nature.

Report authors: 
Hélène Juillard
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Mukuru Informal Settlements
June, 2013

In the second half of 2011, Kenya witnessed one of the worst droughts in the recent past, which was exacerbated by high inflation, rising fuel prices and a weakened economy. Though poor households in Nairobi's informal settlements are vulnerable during emergencies, they are often ignored by the government and relief agencies. Oxfam conducted this market baseline assessment to identify the crisis' impacts on the maize, water and credit markets. To help ensure adequate maize consumption by vulnerable households, this assessment suggests cash grants for small shops, posho mills and food vendors, cooked food vouchers for vulnerable households, cash grants for very poor households (with in-kind food aid as a fallback) and advocacy for social protection programming and increased transparency regarding maize market activity. For the water market system, the report recommends increasing the water supply, improving household-level water storage, improving household purchasing power, creating more CBOs, pressuring NWSC to enforce its rules and regulations, offering cash grants and vouchers, water tankering, providing water treatment options and constructing pipelines from boreholes to water vendors. For the credit market system, this assessment recommends advocating for safety nets and ID registration for poor households, linking with institutions that could provide grants for the poor, promoting savings groups and providing cash grants to poor households and small traders.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Wajir County
August, 2011

The Horn of Africa is experiencing the most severe food crisis in the world today following two consecutive seasons of significantly below-average rainfall. Crops have failed, substantial livestock mortality has occurred and local cereal prices are extremely high. In Kenya's northern and north-eastern districts, there are currently 2.4 million people needing food assistance, and this number is expected to increase. Mercy Corps conducted this EMMA assessment in August 2011 on three market systems that are critical to food security in Wajir - rice, maize and beans. For the immediate response, this report recommends vouchers and cash transfers for households to increase their access to food. Increased purchasing power will allow households to access food, repay debts and rebuild local credit systems, and vouchers for households and traders can improve dietary diversity by increasing supplies of milk, fruits, and vegetables. For mid-term interventions, this report recommends rebuilding productive assets in order to strengthen and diversify local livelihoods.

Report authors: 
Not specified
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Report type:

In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including early potatoes, which represent an important source of food and income for farmers in low-lying areas of Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts. The crisis in Kyrgyzstan has severely disrupted the early potato market system's functioning. This report recommends the following direct interventions: cash transfers to the most affected farmers, subsidized transportation linking farms and markets, vouchers for retailers to purchase from middlemen, cash for work for farmers to clear irrigation and other farm systems and crews to clean up markets and businesses. In addition, this report recommends the following indirect interventions: providing information about crops, prices, supply and demand, technical assistance, rehabilitation of irrigation systems and advocacy with the Kyrgyz, Kazak, Uzbek and Russian governments to reopen borders for trade.

Report authors: 
Бенджамин Барроуз и Евгения Гусева
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Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts
July, 2010

In June 2010, the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan experienced ethnic violence and rapid displacement in the southern districts bordering Uzbekistan following the ousting of the country's president in April. This EMMA assessment focused on early recovery needs for four selected critical markets, including early potatoes, which represent an important source of food and income for farmers in low-lying areas of Osh and Jalal-Abad oblasts. The crisis in Kyrgyzstan has severely disrupted the early potato market system's functioning. This report recommends the following direct interventions: cash transfers to the most affected farmers, subsidized transportation linking farms and markets, vouchers for retailers to purchase from middlemen, cash for work for farmers to clear irrigation and other farm systems and crews to clean up markets and businesses. In addition, this report recommends the following indirect interventions: providing information about crops, prices, supply and demand, technical assistance, rehabilitation of irrigation systems and advocacy with the Kyrgyz, Kazak, Uzbek and Russian governments to reopen borders for trade.

Report authors: 
Benjamin Barrows, Eugenia Gusev
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Incessant rain in the upper Himalayas in mid-June 2013 resulted in a series of cloudburst, landslides, and floods in northern India, with the biggest impacts in Uttarakhand State. Landslides and flash floods led to damaged roads, collapsed bridges, huge loss of life and property, as well as numbers of pilgrims stranded at famous shrine areas. Christian Aid's emergency response team carried out this EMMA assessment of the rice and tourism market systems in the two worst-affected districts of Uttarakhand shortly after the crisis to help shape its immediate response strategies. Both market systems were severely affected by the floods due to both supply and demand side constraints. This EMMA recommends a combination of cash transfers to affected households to ensure access to food items, cash or food for work programs to help rebuild essential infrastructure, identifying and addressing key blockages in supply chains, further development of agriculture, livestock-based and alternative livelihoods strategies for area households and the improvement of early warning prediction and communication systems.

Report authors: 
Yeeshu Shukla, Shakeb Nabi, Apar Paudyal
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